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Comparison of shallow tunneling method with pile and rib method for construction of subway station in


Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 6,   Pages 704-717 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0746-4

Abstract: In the present study, a comparison between the new shallow tunneling method (STM) and the traditionalpile and rib method (PRM) was conducted to excavate and construct subway stations in the geologicalThe maximum ground settlement of 29.84 mm obtained from this method was related to the station axis,

Keywords: shallow tunneling method     pile and rib method     ground surface settlement     subway station construction    

Ribbed strip rolling by three-dimensional finite element method combining extremely thin array of elements

Zhengyi JIANG,

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2010, Volume 5, Issue 1,   Pages 52-60 doi: 10.1007/s11465-009-0087-9

Abstract: is derived, and the performance of the proposed method is conducted.The simulated rib height, forward slip, and the pulling down of rib height have been compared with theThe equivalent strain rate of the rib was obtained in the simulation.The effect of the rib inclined angle on pulling down of rib height has also been discussed, which ishelpful in optimizing the design of the rib inclined angle.

Keywords: rib inclined contact boundary condition     ribbed strip     extremely thin elements     pulling down of rib height    

Robust optimization of the billet for isothermal local loading transitional region of a Ti-alloy rib-webcomponent based on dual-response surface method

Ke WEI, Xiaoguang FAN, Mei ZHAN, Miao MENG

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2018, Volume 13, Issue 3,   Pages 376-384 doi: 10.1007/s11465-018-0500-3

Abstract: quality of the transitional region in the isothermal local loading forming (ILLF) of large-scale Ti-alloy rib-webThus, a dual-response surface method (RSM)-based robust optimization of the billet was proposed to address

Keywords: isothermal local loading forming     rib-web component     transitional region     robust optimization     dual responsesurface method    

Discussion on design method of DX pile

Chen Fei,Chen Lihong

Strategic Study of CAE 2012, Volume 14, Issue 1,   Pages 60-64


Different industry has different calculation method for bearing capacityof pile.DX pile is a new kind of varied cross-section pile.Based on 18 case of DX pile, the difference of calculation methods were discussed and a new design methodfor DX pile of bridge was proposed.

Keywords: DX pile     bearing capacity     specification     design methods    

Numerical evaluation of group-pile foundation subjected to cyclic horizontal load

Youngji JIN, Xiaohua BAO, Yoshimitsu KONDO, Feng ZHANG,

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2010, Volume 4, Issue 2,   Pages 196-207 doi: 10.1007/s11709-010-0021-6

Abstract: In this paper, three-dimensional (3D) finite element analyses of a real-scale group-pile foundation subjectedIn order to consider the influence of an effective stress path on the prediction of the group-pile foundation, the analyses are conducted within the framework of the soil-water coupling method with finite-differenceThe applicability of the proposed numerical method is encouraging, and therefore, it is quite confidentto say that the method can be used to predict the mechanical behaviors of group-pile foundation to a

Keywords: group-pile foundation     real-scale cyclic loading test     three-dimensional finite element method (3D-FEM)    

A simplified method for the determination of vertically loaded pile-soil interface parameters in layered

Jiu-jiang WU,Yan LI,Qian-gong CHENG,Hua WEN,Xin LIANG

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2016, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 103-111 doi: 10.1007/s11709-015-0328-4

Abstract: The numerical analysis of pile-soil interaction commonly requires a lot of trial works to determine thesensitivity analysis to figure out the influence of interface parameters on the bearing behavior of a single pileThen, a simplified method for the determination of pile-soil interface parameters in layered soil isFinally, a filed loading test is used for the validation of the simplified method, and the calculatedIn general, the simplified method proposed in this paper works with higher accuracy and consumes less

Keywords: determination of interface parameters     pile-soil interaction     FLAC3D     sensitivity analysis     layered    

Parametric equations for notch stress concentration factors of rib–deck welds under bending loading

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 3,   Pages 595-608 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0720-1

Abstract: The effective notch stress approach for evaluating the fatigue strength of rib–deck welds requires notchFirst, we developed a model for investigating the effective notch stress in rib–deck welds.we performed a parametric analysis to investigate the effects of multiple geometric parameters of a rib–deckthe fatigue design curve of FAT225 seems to be conservative for evaluating the fatigue strength of rib–deck

Keywords: notch stress concentration factor     rib–deck weld     parametric analysis     regression analysis     parametric    

A simplified method for investigating the bending behavior of piles supporting embankments on soft ground

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 7,   Pages 1021-1032 doi: 10.1007/s11709-023-0952-3

Abstract: bending failure, particularly during rapid filling on soft ground, is the critical failure mode for pile-supportedHere, we propose an efficient two-stage method that combines a test-verified soil deformation mechanismand Poulos’ solution for pile–soil interaction to investigate the bending behavior of piles supportingThe location of the bending failure depends on the position and relative stiffness of the given pile.When the embedded length of a pile exceeded a critical value, the bending moment at the interface between

Keywords: bending behavior     pile     embankment     soil−structure interaction     failure mode    

Predicting the capacity of perfobond rib shear connector using an ANN model and GSA method

Guorui SUN; Jun SHI; Yuang DENG

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 10,   Pages 1233-1248 doi: 10.1007/s11709-022-0878-1

Abstract: advances in the field of artificial neural networks (ANN) and the global sensitivity analysis (GSA) methodIn this paper, the shear performance of perfobond rib shear connectors (PRSCs) is predicted based onthe back propagation (BP) ANN model, the Genetic Algorithm (GA) method and GSA method.empirical equations were compared, and the factors affecting shear strength were examined by the GSA methodThe results show that the use of ANN model optimization by GA method has fewer errors compared to the

Keywords: perfobond rib shear connector     shear strength     ANN model     global sensitivity analysis    

Development of design charts to predict the dynamic response of pile supported machine foundations

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2024, Volume 18, Issue 4,   Pages 663-679 doi: 10.1007/s11709-024-1024-z

Abstract: 2 × 2 grouped piles under coupled and vertical modes of vibration, for different dynamic forces and pileAs these design charts are derived from model piles, the charts have been validated for prototype pileextends to estimation of the errors in computing frequency–amplitude responses with an increase in pileIt is found that, with an increase in pile length, the errors also increase.estimating the input parameters for continuum approach analysis for determining the nonlinear responses of pile

Keywords: pile foundation     vertical vibration     coupled vibration     continuum approach     soil–pile separation     boundary    

Study on load bearing characteristic of cast in situ DX group pile with numerical analysis

Zhang Qinglin,Chen Lihong

Strategic Study of CAE 2012, Volume 14, Issue 1,   Pages 51-59


This paper analyzes 4 types of group-pile which contains 4 piles withThe main conclusions are: group pile effect of DX pile increases sharply when pile spacing decreases;the bearing capacity of 3D spacing group-pile is 1.32 times larger than that of 1.5D spacing group-pile;effect coefficient of group-pile increases from 0.59 to 0.78 when spacing increases from 1.5D to 3D;when the spacing of pile increases.

Keywords: DX pile     group-pile     settlement     numerical analysis    

An investigation into the heat transfer characteristics of spiral wall with internal rib in a supercritical

TANG Renhu, YIN Fei, WANG Haijun, CHEN Tingkuan

Frontiers in Energy 2007, Volume 1, Issue 3,   Pages 300-304 doi: 10.1007/s11708-007-0043-5

Abstract: Within the pressure range of 9–28 MPa, mass velocity range of 600–1 200 kg/(m · s), and heat flux range of 200–500 kW/m, experiments were performed to investigate the heat transfer to water in the inclined upward internally ribbed tube with an inclined angle of 19.5 degrees, a maximum outer diameter of 38.1 mm, and a thickness of 7.5 mm. Based on the experiments, it was found that heat transfer enhancement of the internally ribbed tube could postpone departure from nucleate boiling at the sub-critical pressure. However, the heat transfer enhancement decreased near the critical pressure. At supercritical pressure, the temperature difference between the wall and the fluid increased near the pseudo-critical temperature, but the increase of wall temperature was less than that of departure from nucleate boiling at sub-critical pressure. When pressure is closer to the critical pressure, the temperature difference between the wall and the fluid increased greatly near the pseudo-critical temperature. Heat transfer to supercritical water in the inclined upward internally ribbed tube was enhanced or deteriorated near the pseudo-critical temperature with the variety of ratio between the mass velocity and the heat flux. Because the rotational flow of the internal groove reduced the effect of natural convection, the internal wall temperature of internally ribbed tube uniformly distributed along the circumference. The maximum internal wall temperature difference of the tube along the circumference was only 10 degrees when the fluid enthalpy exceeded 2 000 J/g. Considering the effect of acute variety of the fluid property on heat transfer, the correlation of heat transfer coefficient on the top of the internally ribbed tube was provided.

Keywords: m ·     diameter     critical pressure     sub-critical pressure     maximum    

Prediction of bearing capacity of pile foundation using deep learning approaches

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2024, Volume 18, Issue 6,   Pages 870-886 doi: 10.1007/s11709-024-1085-z

Abstract: accurate prediction of bearing capacity is crucial in ensuring the structural integrity and safety of pileShort-Term Memory (LSTM), and Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) algorithms utilizing a data set of 257 dynamic pileThe prediction of pile-bearing capacity is strongly influenced by ram weight (having a considerable multicollinearitystudy, the recurrent neural network model has the least performance and accuracy in predicting the pile-bearing

Keywords: deep learning algorithms     high-strain dynamic pile test     bearing capacity of the pile    

Time-dependent deviation of bridge pile foundations caused by adjacent large-area surcharge loads in

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2024, Volume 18, Issue 2,   Pages 184-201 doi: 10.1007/s11709-024-1047-5

Abstract: TDCs) have been neglected in most previous studies investigating the deviation mechanisms of bridge pileBased on the validated FE model, the time-dependent deformation mechanism of the pile foundation wasindicating that the derived extended Koppejan model reproduced the deviation process of the bridge cap-pileThe additional load acting on the pile side caused by soil lateral deformation was mainly concentratedi>t = 3 d (where t is surcharge time), the maximum lateral additional pressure acting on Pile

Keywords: bridge pile foundation     surcharge load     soft soil     time-dependent deformation     interaction mechanism    

Influence of axial load on the lateral pile groups response in cohesionless and cohesive soil

Jasim M. ABBASA,Zamri CHIK,Mohd Raihan TAHA

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2015, Volume 9, Issue 2,   Pages 176-193 doi: 10.1007/s11709-015-0289-7

Abstract: The response in this assessment considered lateral pile displacement and lateral soil resistance andThe improved plots can be used for lateral loaded pile design and to produce the group action designThe effect of load combination on the lateral pile group response was performed on three pile group configurations(i.e., 2×1, 2×2 and 3×2) with four pile spacings (i.e., = 2 , 4 , 6 and 8 ).group relative to that for the single pile in case of pure lateral load.

Keywords: piles     pile group     spacing     configuration     combined load    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Comparison of shallow tunneling method with pile and rib method for construction of subway station in


Journal Article

Ribbed strip rolling by three-dimensional finite element method combining extremely thin array of elements

Zhengyi JIANG,

Journal Article

Robust optimization of the billet for isothermal local loading transitional region of a Ti-alloy rib-webcomponent based on dual-response surface method

Ke WEI, Xiaoguang FAN, Mei ZHAN, Miao MENG

Journal Article

Discussion on design method of DX pile

Chen Fei,Chen Lihong

Journal Article

Numerical evaluation of group-pile foundation subjected to cyclic horizontal load

Youngji JIN, Xiaohua BAO, Yoshimitsu KONDO, Feng ZHANG,

Journal Article

A simplified method for the determination of vertically loaded pile-soil interface parameters in layered

Jiu-jiang WU,Yan LI,Qian-gong CHENG,Hua WEN,Xin LIANG

Journal Article

Parametric equations for notch stress concentration factors of rib–deck welds under bending loading

Journal Article

A simplified method for investigating the bending behavior of piles supporting embankments on soft ground

Journal Article

Predicting the capacity of perfobond rib shear connector using an ANN model and GSA method

Guorui SUN; Jun SHI; Yuang DENG

Journal Article

Development of design charts to predict the dynamic response of pile supported machine foundations

Journal Article

Study on load bearing characteristic of cast in situ DX group pile with numerical analysis

Zhang Qinglin,Chen Lihong

Journal Article

An investigation into the heat transfer characteristics of spiral wall with internal rib in a supercritical

TANG Renhu, YIN Fei, WANG Haijun, CHEN Tingkuan

Journal Article

Prediction of bearing capacity of pile foundation using deep learning approaches

Journal Article

Time-dependent deviation of bridge pile foundations caused by adjacent large-area surcharge loads in

Journal Article

Influence of axial load on the lateral pile groups response in cohesionless and cohesive soil

Jasim M. ABBASA,Zamri CHIK,Mohd Raihan TAHA

Journal Article